
Xisen Potato


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Xisen varietal series
Potato starch
Potato staples

Xisen 9

basic information
Xisen varietal series
Product description


This variety can be harvested in about 95 DAE, erect plant with strong vigor, 65 cm height, purple-green stem, deep green leaves, and white flowers. The skin is purple and smooth with superficial eyes. The tuber set is compact with about 7 tubers per plant. The tuber shape is oblong with purple flesh. The tubers are of medium dormancy and suitable for storage. The plants are not resistant to late blight, but are moderately resistant to viruses. The anthocyanin content is about 18.7 mg/100 g(fresh weight), the total phenols content is 114.5 mg/100 g(fresh weight), and the starch content is from 12%~14%. The quality for steaming and for processing are very good. The yield potential is high.

Suitable regions

It’s suitable for planting in Shanxi, the North Single Cropping Region

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Xisen 8
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